Learn about the Vehicle Priority road sign.

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What is the "Vehicle Priority" road sign?

This is a popular sign that commonly confuses driver and driver due to the sign not always being particularly clear. Because of this confusion, drivers will often continue their journey as usual but become stuck when coming head-on with another driver who has come from the opposite direction. 

Understanding the vehicle priority road sign is very important as it is currently among the highest in terms of driver mistakes, leading to road errors, causing traffic, and disruption.

What Does The Sign Mean?

When you approach the one big arrow and one smaller arrow sign, you should pay attention to the side of the big arrow. If the big arrow is on the left, then your vehicle has priority over the smaller arrow's side. With this in mind, you should still be very cautious and stay to the left unless the incoming driver signals you to go. 

Individuals who clearly understand this sign will keep traffic moving as normal, without disruption, anger, and possible road rage. If a road is narrow with limited space for two passing vehicles, then the car without the priority will need to pull to their left to allow the oncoming car to pass with lots of room. 

Typically, this road sign has a blue background with a white and red arrow. Remember, if the white arrow on the left is large, your vehicle has priority on the road you're currently on. 

How Common Is The Sign?

The vehicle priority road sign is quite common and can be found almost anywhere. As more and more roads are being built, there will be an increased chance of seeing this sign. 

Where Are You Likely To See The "Vehicle Priority" Sign?

This sign can be found almost anywhere. It can be found in cities, towns, villages, rural areas, mountainous areas, etc. In many cases, you will see this sign on roads where the roads are narrow, due to the need for vehicle safety and flow. You're likely to see this more so in cities than towns or villages.

When did this sign first come into action?

The UK government is smart about which signs it will include. The vehicle priority sign is a relatively new idea in the country. It has been adopted from other attempts to manage traffic on the roads. The idea is popular and has seen incredible usage over time. But the drivers need to become aware of the new road sign as well. The road sign is going to be a leading idea for the people.


The vehicle priority sign is something that allows drivers to manage roads more carefully. If your sign has a large white arrow, then you have priority over an oncoming vehicle. This sign can be found almost anywhere and has a blue background with both a white and red arrow. 

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