Are you a manual driver who wants to go electric but is afraid of the automatic system?

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Are all electric cars automatic?

Electric cars are the future of the automobile industry. With electric batteries powering energy-efficient engines, zero emissions, and even self-driving capabilities, such as Tesla, they are definitely at the forefront of the automobile industry.

The majority of electric cars are indeed automatic however some will be pleased to know that a few are manual. The main difference between manual and automatic electric cars is that manual electric car does not have a clutch pedal. With many car enthusiasts looking to purchase electric cars, it is a very common question for those who wish to go on the manual side of things.

Many people believe that all-electric cars are automatic but this is simply not true. There are manuals in the market today however they can be difficult to find, especially if you want a specific car model and brand. Basically, the more specific you are, the less chance you will have of finding your dream car if wanted in manual. The best way to find your dream car is to simply go online and search for it in many different places, new or used. 

Some car enthusiasts are concerned about the lack of clutch pedals found on electric cars but this is not a real problem and most manufacturers of such cars offer a good service. For those who are interested in manual models, there is still hope that they can continue to purchase and drive the cars they love so much.

If you are looking for a manual model, just go online and search for one within your budget. You may come across numerous models that are within your budget and you can choose the one that best fits your needs. 

Even when taking all of this into account, the future is glancing more towards the automatic system being the norm due to having more benefits, plus it's easier to drive and increasingly used year after year whereas manuals are no real place in electric vehicles as the system is simply not required, and is more complex by design. Since most new electric cars are designed in the US, which hosts brands like Tesla, you can expect the automatic system to be the primary market as years pass by.

Why are most electric cars automatic?

Automatic models are the most popular due to the speed of a start-up, convenience and efficiency that cars provide.

Some people would love to go for manual models but the truth is that it takes time to get used to driving them. While automatic transmission models can easily be mastered by those who have never driven a car before, it is not the same with manual models. People need to learn how to deal with the clutch pedal, shifting gears, and all other technical aspects of manual cars before they can use them efficiently.

While this may be possible for some, others will find it too difficult and eventually opt to go for automatic models. After all, the main reason why people go for cars is to make their lives easier and if they can do the same with an automatic model, why not? Some people don't like driving and would rather let the car do all the work for them and this is where automatic models come in. If you want to make your life easier, automatic models are the way to go.

But it still all comes down to preference and if you want to purchase a manual electric car, you will be able to do so if you look in the right places.

How much does an Electric automatic transmission car cost?

The prices of automatic cars vary from one model to another. However, the only difference is that automatic cars tend to be a bit expensive due to their convenience and ease of use.

Some manual cars are more expensive than automatic ones but this is not common. If you want to purchase a car at an affordable price, automatic cars are the way to go. But for those who can't afford an expensive model, buying a manual electric car will not be a problem. You just have to keep looking for one that is within your budget and you will be able to find one soon enough.


To conclude, the majority of electric cars have automatic systems installed, however some remain manual despite lower popularity. As Brits, we understand the move towards automatic will be tough however you may come to love it. The con here is that automatics tend to be more expensive due to an enhanced design and easier controls. 

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